Modutrol Actuators

    Modutrols are versatile and widely used actuators in the field of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. These electric actuators are specifically designed to control the positioning of dampers, valves, and other equipment in HVAC applications. They offer precise and reliable control over the movement of these components, allowing for optimized airflow, temperature regulation, and energy efficiency.

    Non-spring return modutrols are one of the common variants of this actuator type. They utilize an electric motor and gear mechanism to provide accurate and consistent positioning throughout their range of motion. These actuators are ideal for applications that require precise control, such as modulating the flow of air or water in HVAC systems. They maintain their position even during power loss, thanks to their internal locking mechanisms.

    On the other hand, spring return modutrols incorporate a spring mechanism that ensures fail-safe operation. In the event of power loss or a control signal command, the actuator swiftly returns to a pre-determined position, often a default or safe position. Spring return modutrols are commonly used in applications where safety is crucial, such as fire and smoke control systems or critical HVAC operations.

    Honeywell Inc. and Johnson Controls Inc. are leading manufacturers known for producing high-quality modutrols. stocks a comprehensive selection of modutrols from these reputable brands. Customers can rely on to find the right modutrol actuator for their specific requirements, ensuring reliable and efficient operation in their HVAC systems.

Actuators  /  Modutrol
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